PIM Sri Lanka Visits Three Local Indonesian Companies

Following the scheme of the previous batches, the participants of PIM Sri Lanka Training Batch V took 6 days training in Yogyakarta and Jakarta on December 10-15, 2018. Besides having lecturing sessions in the classroom, they visited some local companies and had cultural programs.

They went to PT Usman Jaya Mekar Textile Industry on December 11, 2018. It was a manufacturing company in Magelang which turned raw materials (yarn) into half-processed materials (cloth). The clothes were exported to Japan and some European and American countries. The participants were introduced and explained the company profile and its strategic planning process by Wilson Ardiyanto who was the President Director of PT Usman Jaya Mekar. They also got the opportunity to go around the site factory to see directly the production process. The participants were excited to be warmly welcomed by the employees who helped them understanding the job descriptions.

On December 14, 2018, they visited Jakarta Smart City (JSC) office and Bank Indonesia office in Jakarta. They were hosted by Setiaji of JSC who explained the smart city concepts application which made use of technology to control many resources in the city more effectively and efficiently. The participants were very enthusiastic when Setiaji showed the control room where they could monitor JSC’s employees remotely without being present in their office rooms. It was a good concept to maximize public services and support continuous improvement which could be adopted by the participants.

Then, they moved to Bank Indonesia office nearby. They were explained the strategic planning by Dyah N. K. Makhijani who was the Head of Strategic Management and Governance Department for Bank Indonesia. During the visit in Yogyakarta and Jakarta, one of the Board of Directors of MM FEB UGM, Bayu Sutikno, Cand.Merc., Ph.D. accompanied the 41 participants.
