Outgoing Student

All International MBA students of MM FEB UGM must participate in one of 3 international activities:

  1. International Academic Exposure (IAE): students carry out academic activities abroad in the short term (2-3 weeks) such as short courses, summer courses, and others. This activity does not transfer courses and credits to MM FEB UGM.
  2. Student Exchange Program (SEP): students take concentration courses for 1 semester at partner universities abroad. Courses will be transferred to MM FEB UGM with a minimum of 9 credits.
  3. Dual Degree Program (DDP): students take 2 semesters at overseas partner universities and will get degrees from MM FEB UGM and from overseas partner universities after fulfilling the conditions of both parties.

IAE is a program that takes one to three weeks program organized by the Office of International Affairs MM FEB UGM or offered by university partners abroad to visit them to experience a summer course program, short lecture, and company visit. This program is offered to all students once a year between the semester break. The cost will vary from 1.000 – 2.500 depending on the destination country, university, airfare, accommodation, and other relevant fees. Students may choose many different kinds of destinations and course topics through our partner’s website.

MM FEB UGM Dual Degree Program is offered exclusively to International MBA students. Students who complete this program will receive 2 (two) degrees: Master of Business Administration (MBA) from UGM and one of the degrees offered by partner universities. The program is taken for 1.5 years at MM FEB UGM (including Pre MBA) and 1 year at overseas partner universities. The thesis is done at a partner university (if DD goes to a university destination in Japan and Europe) or at MM FEB UGM (if DD goes to a university destination in Australia).

Dual Degree Partner Program
NoDual Degree University NetworkDegreePeriodEnglish Proficiency Requirement
1Australia – Melbourne Business School, The University of MelbourneM.Mgt.February, JulyIELTS (7.0), IBT (102 each min 22)
2Australia – UQ Business School, University of Queensland M.Bus./M.Com.February, JulyIELTS (6.5), IBT (87)
3Australia – UNSW Business School, University of New South WalesM.Com.February, JulyIELTS (6.0), TOEFL (72)
4England, UK – Queen Mary University of LondonM.Sc./MPASeptemberIELTS (7.0), TOEFL (100)
5England, UK – University of NorthamptonM.Sc./M.A.SeptemberIELTS (6.5)
6French – ESC Clermont Graduate School of ManagementMiMSeptemberIELTS (6.0)
7French – Toulouse Business SchoolM.Sc./MiSeptemberIELTS (6.0), TOEFL (80), Cambridge (B2) OR TOEIC (720)
8French – NEOMA Business SchoolMiMSeptemberIELTS (6.0), IBT (83)
9French – Excelia Business SchoolM.Sc./ MiMSeptemberIELTS, TOEFL Level B2
10Germany – Hochschule Osnabrück University of Applied SciencesM.A.February, SeptemberIELTS (7.0), IBT (95), TOEIC (945)
11Japan – GSIM, International University of JapanMBASeptemberIELTS (6.5), IBT (80), TOEIC (800)
12Netherlands – Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus UniversityM.Sc.SeptemberIELTS (7.0), IBT (94), GMAT: 600
13Portugal – ISCTE Business School, University Institute of LisbonM.Sc.February, SeptemberIELTS (6.5), IBT (88)
14Scotland, UK – Stirling Management School, University of StirlingM.Sc.January, SeptemberIELTS (6.5)
15Scotland, UK – University of HullM.Sc./MBASeptemberIELTS (6.0), IBT (79)

IAE is a program that takes one to three weeks program organized by the Office of International Affairs MM This program facilitates students with the opportunity to experience educational, educational, business, and cultural environments as an integrated part of their study program at MM FEB UGM. Students will be able to transfer relevant courses taken during the exchange program to MM FEB UGM as their concentration courses. This program ensures one semester at the host university. Students will be exempted from tuition fees at the host university.

Student Exchange Partner Program
NoStudent Exchange University NetworkPeriod
1Australia, The University of QueenslandFeb-Jul, Jul-Nov
2Brunei, Universiti Brunei DarussalamFeb-Jun, Aug-Des
3Japan, International University of JapanJan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Sep-Dec
4Malaysia, Universiti Sains MalaysiaFeb-Jun, Sep-Jan
5Malaysia, Universiti Sains MalayaFeb-Jun, Sep-Jan
6Philippines, De La Salle UniversityJan-Apr, May-Jul, Sep-Dec
7South Korea, EWHA Womans UniversityMar-Jun, Sep-Dec
8South Korea, Sungkyunkwan UniversityFeb-Jul, Aug-Jan
9South Korea, INHA UniversityMar-Jul, Sep-Jan
10South Korea, Woosong UniversityMar-Jul, Aug-Jan
Europe & Canada
11Austria, the Johannes Kepler University LinzMar-Jul, Sep-Dec
12Austria, Salzburg University of Applied SciencesFeb-Jun, Sep-Jan
13Austria, University of InnsbruckMar-Jul, Oct-Feb
14Austria, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU Vienna)Feb-Jun, Oct-Feb
15Canada, University of VictoriaJan-Jun, Sep-Jan
16Denmark, University of Southern DenmarkJan-Jun, Aug-Dec
17France, ESC Clermont Graduate School of ManagementMar-Jul, Sep-Jan
18France, Burgundy School of BusinessFeb-Jul, Sep-Feb
19France, Toulouse Business SchoolJan-Jun, Aug-Jan
20France, NEOMA Business SchoolMar-Jul, Sep-Jan
21France, Excelia Business SchoolJan-Jun, Sep-Jan
22Germany, University of LeipzigJan-Jun, Sep-Jan
23Germany, Pforzheim UniversityJan-Jun, Aug-Dec
24Germany, Technische Hochscule KolnJan-Apr, Apr-Jul, Oct-Dec
25Germany, Frankfurt School of Finance and ManagementFeb-Jun, Sep-Feb
26Germany, Hochschule Osnabrück University of Applied SciencesFeb-Jun, Sep-Feb
27Germany, Humboldt University of Berlin
28Netherlands, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus UniversityMar-Jul, Sep-Jan
29Netherlands, The University of GroningenMar-Jul, Sep-Jan
30Norway, University of AgderMar-Jul, Sep-Jan
31Portugal, Porto Business SchoolMar-Jul, Sep-Jan
32Portugal, ISCTE Lisbon Business SchoolMar-Jul, Sep-Jan
33Sweden, Jonkoping International Business SchoolApr-Aug, Oct-Feb
34Switzerland, Zurich University of Applied SciencesJan-Jun, Sep-Dec

Preparing your Study Abroad

Step 1

Get Information

Keep the following factors in mind when choosing your international exposure:
purpose; budget; destination; language

A different destination offers you different challenges and experiences.

Step 2


Consult and register with international staff at the Office of International Affairs section MM FEB UGM as soon as possible. Our staff will help you plan your SEP or DDP.

Step 3

Submit Required Documents

Complete all required documents on time and prepare them independently including visa application. Some technical troubles especially for visa approval can be avoided by taking action earlier.

Step 4

Read All Information

Read the student’s guide book or fact sheet from our partner university and talk to the previous exchange or dual degree students about their experience to ease the transition to a new culture, and get excited for your new adventure ahead.

In this program, participants are faced with two different socio-cultural settings, Asia, Europe, and Australia. Such a situation is expected to have a positive impact on the development of the personalities, perspectives, visions, and adaptive behaviors of the participants, thus making them able to deal with, and be sensitive to, the ever-changing global business environment.

For information requirements for iBT TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT scores (if any), and tuition fees at partner universities (if any) for the Dual Degree Program, please contact:

Hotline OIA: +62 8112832960
Email: oia-mm.feb@ugm.ac.id.