Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. T: Can I apply to MM FEB UGM during the pandemic?
J: Yes, we serve you with online registration. For MM FEB UGM Yogyakarta Campus, please click, while for MM FEB UGM Jakarta Campus please click

2: T: If I have difficulty registering as a new student, who can I contact?
J: For MM FEB UGM Yogyakarta Campus, please contact the Admissions hotline at +62-811-282-3806 or email, while for MM FEB UGM Jakarta Campus, please contact the Admissions hotline at +62-813-1686-0011 or email

3. T: Am I required to take the Pre MBA (Matriculation) Program?
J: The Pre-MBA program is mandatory for prospective bachelor students from Non-Faculty of Economics and Business and also from Faculty of Economics and Business who do not pass the TPD (Basic Potential Test).

4. T: Can I directly join the MBA Program without taking the Pre-MBA Program (Matriculation)?
J: If you graduated as cum laude bachelor from Faculty of Economics and Business in the last 5 years then you can go directly to the MBA Program.

5. T: If I do not pass one of the Pre MBA courses, can I continue to Semester 1 of MBA Program?
J: No, you cannot. You are required to repeat the Pre-MBA courses, so you should defer 1 semester from the recent batch.

6. T: Can I use a Graduation Letter of Statement (SKL) to register as a prospective student?
J: No, you cannot. Each prospective student is required to use a bachelor or D4 diploma for the registration process.

7. T: What if the accreditation of the undergraduate study program is still in the process of being extended?
J: If the study programs whose accreditation is in the process of being extended, as evidence you can submit the receipt for submission of accreditation forms from BAN-PT/LAM-PTKes.

8. T: What is the minimum score for the English Language Test required?
J: The minimum English Language Test score is 475 for the Regular MBA, Executive MBA and Senior Executive MBA and a minimum of 525 for the International MBA.

9. T: What is the minimum score for the Academic Potential Test required?
J: The minimum score for the Academic Potential Test is 500.

10. T: Where can I take the English Test?
J: Please take the Academic English Proficiency Test (AcEPT) by UGM at or TOEP from PLTI.

11. T: If I already have an international certificate of English proficiency, do I still have to take the AcEPT?
J: Yes, you are still required to follow the AcEPT test. Next, the international english certificate will be used for international mobility in the International MBA Program.

12. T: Where can I take the Academic Potential Test?
J: You can take the UGM Postgraduate Academic Potential Test (PAPs) at or TPDA (Academic Basic Potential Test) from PLTI.

13. T: Can I change the programs, for example from Regular MBA to Executive MBA or International MBA?
J: Submission of changes to program choices can only be made during Pre MBA before entering Semester 1 of the MBA Program by submitting an application to MM FEB UGM Manager accompanied by supporting documents.

14. T: Can I move from MM FEB UGM Yogyakarta Campus to MM FEB UGM Jakarta Campus or vice versa?
J: Submission of transfer between campus is only possible during Pre MBA before entering Semester 1 of the MBA Program by submitting an application to MM FEB UGM Manager accompanied by supporting documents.

15. T: Does MM FEB UGM have a Scholarship Program? What are the requirements, and for whom?
J: Yes, we have. Every semester, MM FEB UGM Program provides Scholarship for Future Business Leaders (SFBL) in the form of special tuition waves to student candidates who have excellent leadership talents. Further details can be found at: Beasiswa MM

16. T: Who recommends the Regular MBA, International MBA, and Executive MBA classes?
J: Recommendations from 2 (two) people who know prospective students at the undergraduate level, namely Academic Supervisors and/or other people who are considered competent, such as the prospective student’s employer’s supervisor.

17. T: Can overseas graduates register at MM FEB UGM?
J: Yes, you can. Prospective students for overseas graduates must have a certificate of equalization certificate from KEMENRISTEKDIKTI as a replacement for accreditation certificate.

18. T: What are the advantages of taking an International MBA class?
J: Students who are accepted into the IMBA Program have the opportunity to take part in the Student Exchange Program (SEP) and Dual Degree Program (DDP) at overseas partners of MM FEB UGM.

19. T: How long is the study period at MM FEB UGM?
J: The normal study period at MM UGM includes 1 semester (Pre-MBA), 3 semesters (MBA) and 4 semesters (IMBA/SEMBA). While the maximum study period is 6 semesters.