Transformational Leadership: The Secret to Build High Performance Organization

Another Executive Series was held taking away the theme of leadership. It was much crowded as not only the Auditorium Room of MM FEB UGM which was full of participants but also the lobby of the room was set with some chairs and a screen projector to facilitate the overloaded participants.

Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ignasius Jonan presented at Master in Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (MM FEB UGM) to give a general lecture. The event was initiated by Human Resources Club and supported by Master in Management Student Association (MMSA) FEB UGM.

On arriving at MM FEB UGM, Jonan got the chance to observe and try on electric vehicles; electric bicycle, electric pedicab, and electric car, which was shown off by the Faculty of Engineering. The Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., Ph.D., Dean of Vocational School, Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation, and Alumni of FEB UGM, Amirullah Setya Hardi, Cand.Oecon., Ph.D., Deputy Director of Non-Academic Affairs MM FEB UGM, Dr. Sumiyana, M.Si., Ak., CA., Deputy Director of Academic Affairs MM FEB UGM, Bayu Sutikno, Cand.Merc., Ph.D., and some senior lecturers of FEB UGM attended the event. Before starting the lecturing session, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources staffs had giveaway session of which 5 students won for following the ministry’s social media accounts such as Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Line.

At 1.45 PM, a loud applause from the audience followed the entrance of Jonan and team. The event was then continued with an opening remarks from Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng. as the Rector of UGM. He extended his gratitude to the Minister for sparing his valuable time in order to attend the Executive Series event and share his outstanding knowledge for the students. “Welcome to Universitas Gadjah Mada, the populist campus, the nationalist campus, and the campus of Pancasila,” said Panut.

Bayu Sutikno, Cand.Merc., Ph.D. as the moderator narrated a brief biography of Jonan. It was revealed that Jonan was born in Singapore, took his university study in Indonesia and America, received many awards, and occupied his recent position as Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Reources

Jonan claimed that learning about leadership was equivalent to learning the experience. A good leader had to posses 2 compositions; 50% of aptitude and 50% of life experience. He shared many stories out of his career journey and once in a while asked the students their opinion or just to read his material outloud. Jonan delivered his lecture attractively with some jokes which made the students engage comfortably in the event.

“There is not any leader who is able to change organization unless its member have the same mindset to change,” said Jonan in front of more than 400 students. One of Jonan’s quotes which inspired and motivated the students as future leaders was “There are so many clever people, but not all of them is capable of leading and coordinating a team and able to bring changes.”

The event held on February 23, 2018 was concluded with question and answer as well as group photo sessions.