Business Fun Games for Batch Regular 73 and Executive B 32

Completing the in-class orientation session held on the day before, the new students of Batch Regular 73 and Executive 32 had Business Fun Games (BFG). It was an obligatory session in the Leadership Enhancement and Acceleration Program (LEAP), a non-academic series of activity for students of MM FEB UGM.

BFG held on Saturday (11/8) was attended by Dr. Hani Handoko, M.B.A., and Bayu Sutikno, Cand.Merc., Ph.D. as the Board of Directors of MM FEB UGM as well as Prof. Djamaludin Ancok, M.A., Dr. Neila Ramdhani., M,Si., M.Ed., and Indrianingsih, S.Psi. as the facilitators of the BFG.

There were 165 students joined the BFG. They started with ice breaking session with some invigorating yells. As MM FEB UGM was highly concerned with students’ commitment of Prepare, Presence, Punctual, Participate, and Perform (5P), those who came late in that morning were punished with some challenges.

During the event, the students were engaged in some leadership games such as No Hands Balloon”, “Train Balloon”,Birthday Line, and “Magic Carpet”. Those games were intended to educate the students to understand the importance of working in team, build their leadership traits, have a well prepared management, and sharpen their integrity. Moreover, the games forced them to prioritize teamwork in achieving their group vision and mission.