Following the completion of Executive B Batch 35 C who had the course sessions at Yogyakarta campus, students of Executive A Batch 43 B Jakarta came to take their General Business Environment (GBE) sessions on September 12-15, 2018.
On the first day of their lecturing sessions, they were invited by the Board of Directors of MM FEB UGM to enjoy their lunch in a humble feast called Cultural Lunch. There were 25 students joined in the event. Prof. Dr. Eduardus Tandelilin, M.B.A. as the Director of MM FEB UGM Jakarta greeted the audiences and deeply wished the students all the best for the lecturing sessions. Tandelilin introduced some staffs as well as Rusdi Akbar, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Bowo Setiyono, M.Com., Ph.D. as the Deputy Directors of MM Jakarta and Bayu Sutikno, Cand. Merc., Ph.D., the Deputy Director of MM Yogyakarta.
In closing, one of the students, Nikko Nugraha, represented his colleagues to give a short testimony. They blended together in the cultural lunch which provided fish mangut, gudangan salad and rice, and meatballs.