The MBA FEB UGM study program has successfully held the orientation for the new student of the MBA/IMBA 82 and SEMBA 41 classes. The orientation was held last Friday (03/02/2023) and aims to introduce and instill the values of the MBA FEB UGM campus which is expected to be upheld by new students. The new student orientation was delivered by the Board of Directors of the MBA FEB UGM Study Program to 155 new students , at the Sukadji Ranuwihardjo Auditorium with 155 new students.

To ignite the enthusiasm of new students, MBA UGM academic team accompanied by MBA SA 14.0 distributed door prizes to new students before the event began. Arts and Entertainment Centrum (AEC), one of the art clubs (non -academic) of MBA FEB UGM also enlivened this event with great performances.

The event began with the participants singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya and Hymne Gadjah Mada. Followed by a session with the Director of MBA FEB UGM Study Program along with Deputy Director, Prof. Amin Wibowo, Ph.D. and Rocky Adiguna, Ph.D. where they delivered a complete orientation direction, “In this MBA FEB UGM program, you will not only be academically educated but we will also train your attitude as a prospective leader”. The event then continued with a question and answer session regarding lectures and other activities on campus while becoming a student of MBA FEB UGM Yogyakarta Campus.

After the session with the Board of Directors, the event then continued with information sessions about student activities with MBA SA 14.0. In this session, MBA SA 14.0’s CEO, Jerry Andreas Zaluchu, accompanied by his members, introduced the student organizations and also MBA Student Club of FEB UGM to new students of the MBA/IMBA 82 and Semba 41 program and hoped that students could join and be active in the student organization. (Public Relations: Wira/Documentation: Irvan)





