Academix Culture February 2023: Bringing the Eco-friendly Movement Back

After going through the orientation, MBA UGM Study Program students, especially students of the ASEAN Master In Sustainability Management Program, Exchange Program, and IMBA 81 students, then participated in the Academix Culture which is also one of the welcoming events held for new students. In the Academix Culture event, the MBA FEB UGM study program invites foreign students to get to know Indonesia with all of its diversity and culture. Even so, there is something different in the Academix Culture this time. One thing that distinguishes the Academix Culture this time from the previous one is that this time MBA FEB UGM study program tried to instill the values of Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) to the students. SDGs itself aims to maintain a continuous improvement in the economic welfare of the community, maintain the sustainability of the community’s social life, maintain the quality of the environment, and also the inclusive development and implementation of governance that is able to maintain the improvement of the quality of life from one generation to the next. This event was carried out in the Tourism Village of Pentingsari on Saturday (11/02/2023) with 43 participants.

Before departing to the location, the students gathered in the Lobby of the MBA FEB UGM campus to listen to the remarks from Prof. Amin Wibowo, Ph.D., Director of the MBA FEB UGM Study Program. “I would like to tell you that this is the activity that we usually held for new students before the pandemic, and this event is important because you will give a positive impact on the local community by taking the SDG’s goals into action. This is our mission to have a good social impact on our community and you have to be proud of yourself because you will take part in this good cause”. After listening to the remarks, students then departed to the village of Pentingsari by bus. After the students arrived at the location, the event then continued with a shared tree-planting session. In this session, the MBA FEB UGM program represented by Prof. Dr., Eduardus Tandelilin symbolically provided help in the form of 100 tree seedlings and fish seedlings given to the manager of the Tourism Village of Tourism to support the village economy. The activity then continued with an ice-breaking session which was guided by the Eureka team. This Ice Breaking session contains a battle of yells and also gymnastics.

Towards noon, students then started the Village Tour and also the river track. Students are told to take the trash on the trip to the river to be collected at the end of the event. After arriving at the river, students then began to go down to walk along the river until they reached the finish line. Although this river tracking is the most challenging activity, the students looked excited. After reaching the finish line, the Board of Directors of the MBA FEB UGM study program then led the students to release fish seeds that had been provided. After being tired tracking the river down, students were then invited to have lunch together with Indonesian dishes.

Cultural activities are the activities that are awaited by foreign students. This time, making batik and traditional dance are the cultural activities that have been prepared for students. In this session, students were invited to learn about the philosophy of batik and traditional dance, they were also taught directly to make a piece of batik and dance the traditional Javanese dance guided by an instructor from the Pentingsari Village. The event then continued with a discussion and presentation session guided by the Eureka team. In this session, students were invited to make reflections on the activities they had passed and the event ended with a group photo. (Public Relations: Wira/Documentation: Irvan, Berli)




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