AcademixCulture IMBA 82: Fostering Academic Excellence and Social Responsibility

The Master of Business Administration Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (MBA FEB UGM) is again holding AcademixCulture activities for international students who join IMBA Batch 82 students at the Yogyakarta Campus in Banyaksari village (12/8/2023). This activity is part of the Leadership Enhancement and Acceleration Program (LEAP), which aims to form leadership character by introducing local culture to all students.

The event was opened by the Deputy Director of MBA FEB UGM Yogyakarta Campus, Rocky Adiguna, Ph.D., in the front yard of the MBA FEB UGM Yogyakarta campus. AcademixCulture is a mandatory program for all incoming students every semester to introduce and explore the heritage and culture of Yogyakarta with fun cultural activities, such as learning to paint batik, playing traditional tools, and making traditional crafts.

Ice-breaking session activities make it easier for international students to get to know local students in class and quickly adjust to the new environment through group activities that can improve their bond and teamwork.

IMBA 82 AcademixCulture Coordinator Sheila Andriana Pratista said, “This activity is essential for IMBA program students, especially incoming students, because it can provide education about academic ethics, integrity, and social contribution in building their careers, where every time they meet with global partners, culturally certain will always be different. We hope that participants can take maximum benefit from this activity.”

At the end of the event, all students participated in the River Combing activity while enjoying the beautiful natural nuances in the Banyaksari village, and the activity closed with the announcement of the best group. (Public Relations; Danis/Documentation; Irvan/Danis).

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