The Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Graduation for the Regular Class Class XIV – Prof. Amin Wibowo, Ph.D., as Director of the MBA FEB UGM Study Program, Arief Budiman, M.B.A., CFP, Coordinator of the CFP MBA Program, Sumarjono, Head of OJK Regional 3 Central Java and DIY.
Arief Budiman, M.B.A., CFP., Program Coordinator of CFP MBA FEB UGM, congratulated the CFP Graduation Batch 14-19 participants. He hopes that the knowledge gained during the CFP certification process can be helpful for their careers and lives.
Representatives of the graduation participants were also allowed to convey testimonials and impressions about the CFP MBA FEB UGM program. Maria Regina Nansi, CFP., One of the graduation participants from class 18, expressed her views, “This program taught me about professional financial planning skills. Here we learn to get to know our needs, both now and in the future,” he said.
Sumarjono, Head of OJK Regional 3 Central Java and DIY, gave his insight with the theme “Getting to know more about the P2SK Law: In the Financial Industry in Indonesia”. He explained how important the P2SK Law is for state finances at the micro and macro levels. He also reminds us that Financial Planners cannot be separated from the P2SK Law.