Executive Series: Finance Director of PT Bank Permata Tbk

Once again, Executive Series was held on Friday, December 1, 2023, at Sukadji Ranuwihardjo Auditorium, Master of Business Administration Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (MBA FEB UGM) Yogyakarta Campus. MBA FEB UGM students have the opportunity to listen and gain insight into banking and finance. The Human Resource Club & Finance Club MBA FEB UGM invited Rudy Basyir Ahmad, Finance Director of PT Bank Permata Tbk, to be a guest speaker.

The Executive Series is part of the Leadership Enhancement and Acceleration Program (LEAP) MBA FEB UGM, which aims to gain direct exposure to the actors and the controllers of large companies.

The event began with remarks from the MBA FEB UGM Yogyakarta Campus Director, Prof. Amin Wibowo, Ph.D., and moderated by Rijadh Djatu Winardi, Ph.D., CFE.

In making big decisions, students must get exposure to the experiences of great people. In the vision and mission of the MBA FEB UGM study program, building strategic business leaders is the main thing. Being a leader requires making the right big decisions,” Prof. Amin said. He also thanked Rudy and his team for taking the time to attend this Executive Series activity.

In this opportunity, Rudy Basyir Ahmad conveyed optimism for the future macroeconomy. He explained the opportunities and threats in Indonesian finance with his prepared data. At the end of the event, during the question-and-answer session, students who attended offline and online were enthusiastic to ask more profound questions about the topics presented. (PR/Documentation: Danis)