A total of 162 residents attended health checks and counseling in a series of UGM social service events. UGM, through the Directorate of Community Service (DPkM) together with the Directorate of Planning, organized a social service in the form of health checks and dental health counseling for elderly residents and health cadres around UGM held at the UGM Master of Management Campus (13/12). The area around UGM includes the villages of Sinduadi and Caturtunggal, Kapanewon Depok consisting of Kocoran, Barek, Sendowo, and Pogung Kidul hamlets which are often referred to as “pager mangkok.” This event was again organized by UGM as a form of concern and appreciation for the excellent cooperation of the residents during the construction of Flats for UGM employees and to welcome the 74th UGM Anniversary.
Director of Community Service UGM, Dr. dr. Rustamaji, M.Kes in the series of events, said that “The activities organized are not only part of UGM’s agenda, but also a form of real contribution of community service around the campus, including the activities of KIBAR (Learning and Empowerment Community with communities around UGM),” he explained. This activity is also supported by medical personnel from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Faculty of Dentistry, Academic Hospital, and other units providing health education on healthy lifestyles in this social service.
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Community Service, and Alumni, Dr. Arie Sujito, S.Sos., M.Si on the same occasion also said that “Events like this are part of UGM’s commitment to jointly develop the tradition of “pager mangkok” where in addition to UGM carrying out community service activities such as KKN which almost reaches the territory of Indonesia, but still also conduct activities that are beneficial to residents to remain empowered,” he said. This agenda, which has been built for a long time, can be utilized well and can be a means to strengthen communication with residents around UGM. This activity can attract community involvement in positive activities and support UGM as an advanced higher education institution that spreads many benefits.
This positive activity carried out by UGM received good appreciation from the community, as the Social Minister of Kapanewon Depok, Mr. Subaryono, expressed his gratitude for implementing this social service as a form of synergy, togetherness, collaboration, and attention from UGM. He hopes that this activity can continue to benefit the Kapanewon Depok residents who can attend today’s opportunity. In addition, Mr. Dayat, as one of the participants, expressed his positive impression “This series is very useful for the community, especially not only getting free health checks, but also getting recommended medicines, and being able to interact directly with doctors during health counseling education. Hopefully, this activity can be routinely carried out by UGM,” he concluded.
(Source: pengabdian.ugm.ac.id)