A fiery enthusiasm ignited in the Faculty Meeting Room on the 5th floor of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Campus in Yogyakarta on January 26, 2024. Students and academic staff had occupied the space since early morning to participate in the handover ceremony of the CEO position from MBA SA 15.0 to MBA SA 16.0, conducted both on-site and virtually.
The handover event marked the conclusion of the administration of MBA SA 15.0 and ushered in a new chapter for MBA SA 16.0. Dr. Rocky Adiguna, Deputy Director of the MBA Program at FEB UGM Yogyakarta, delivered a keen address, stating, “This handover event is a crucial moment in the transition of leadership from the previous period to the next. I highly appreciate the commitment shown by our colleagues in fulfilling their responsibilities in both MBA SA 15.0 and MBA SA 16.0.”
The program continued with presentations on the successful implementation of work plans carried out by each division of MBA SA 15.0 and the clubs under its auspices. The presentations were given by the respective heads and representatives of academic and non-academic clubs.
Achmad Iqbal Ashrye, the CEO of MBA SA 15.0, proudly completed his duties, symbolically passing on the work mandate to Muhammad Daffa Muaffa, the CEO of MBA SA 16.0. Achmad shared experiences and achievements during his tenure, expressing, “Carrying out this entrusted responsibility has been an extraordinary honor. I extend my congratulations to Daffa Muafa on being elected as the CEO of MBA SA 16.0. May the leadership of our colleagues become the pillar of success towards the highest achievements. With this, I bid farewell as the CEO of MBA SA 15.0.”
Muhammad Daffa Muafa, the CEO of MBA SA 16.0, expressed commitment and hopes for the new administration, saying, “I am thankful to my colleagues who have entrusted me with this position. I am committed to enhancing the performance and values of MBA SA 16.0 in line with its vision and mission. Success is not only mine but also a result of collaboration with colleagues. Let’s maximize our time for existing projects. Best of luck, together let us build benefits for ourselves and our beloved campus.”
The event reached its pinnacle with the symbolic handover of the MBA SA FEB UGM flag from the Chairman of MBA SA 15.0 to the Chairman of MBA SA 16.0, as well as from academic and non-academic clubs. The handover ceremony concluded with a group photo of all MBA SA executives, capturing the newfound spirit enveloping MBA FEB UGM. (Public Relations: Yunisa & Danis / Documentation: Berlian)