Guest Lecture: Dialog Sharing of Business Strategy and Core Values CT Corpora

Having the same structure of the previous Guest Lectures, Master in Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (MM FEB UGM) invited a practitioner  to give a lecture to the students. It was Ardhayadi Mitroatmodjo, S.E., M.A., the CEO and President Director of PT Mega Corpora (Financial Holding CT Corpora) who took the latest session.

The event was started by singing the Indonesian National Anthem and Hymne Gadjah Mada which was continued with an opening remarks from Dr. Sumiyana, M.Si., Ak., CA. as the Deputy Director of Non Academic Affairs MM FEB UGM. Ardhayadi gave his lecture to the students of Executive Batch 28, 30, 31 and Regular Batch 70. He introduced the business process in PT Kebon Agung. It was a company which operated in producing sugar. There were two sugar companies; PG kebon Agung operated in Malang and PG Trangkil operated in Pati. Ardhayadi explained the company’s short and long term business planning as well as the company strategy used to achieve annual increase.

Taking place on February 24, 2018 in Faculty Meeting Room, the Guest Lecture was attended by Drs. Teguh Budiarto, M.I.M. who was a lecturer of Business and Management course and Bayu Sutikno, Cand.Merc., Ph.D. who was the Deputy Director of Academic Affairs MM FEB UGM Yogyakarta.