Graduation Night Celebration: January 2023 Period

MBA FEB UGM Study Program spectacularly held the graduation night of prospective graduates for the January 2023 period. The event, which was held on Tuesday (01/24/2023), was a release event for 127 students who had been declared to have passed the MBA program before attending graduation the next day at Graha Sabha Pramana UGM.

The event started with the audience singing the national anthem of Indonesia Raya, followed by the reading of the Profile Report of Candidates for the January 2023 period, which was read by the Chairman of the MBA FEB UGM Study Program Jakarta Campus, Prof. Eduardus Tandelilin Ph.D. It is reported that in this period, there are 34 prospective graduates who achieved the cumlaude title, and two best graduates with 3.93 GPA, Santi Manurung from the SEMBA-41 Jakarta Campus and Diva Tertia Almira from the MBA-78 Yogyakarta campus.

After giving a memento to prospective graduates, the event continued with remarks from Santi Manurung, the representative of prospective graduates. Santi said in her speech, “Let us as MBA FEB UGM Alumni, wherever we work, I hope that we can apply the knowledge that has been obtained so much, we can contribute to our family, our work company, society, our nation, and knowledge accompanied with a high commitment of integrity can be a blessing for all humanity.” Representing all prospective graduates, Santi thanked the entire academic community of MBA FEB UGM.

Director of Human Resources at PT. Kimia Farma, Tbk., Dharma Syahputra, M.M., who is also an alumnus of MBA FEB UGM, was also present to deliver his speech. “Alumni are very important intermediaries for the study program, where alumni are expected to be of high quality and can contribute to national development. I also want to encourage all alumni to register at KAFEGAMA MM through the KAFEGAMA MM website, so that we can all build better networking, “he said.

The event continued with a remark from Prof. Didi Achjari, Ph.D., Dean of FEB UGM. “On this occasion, we congratulate all the prospective graduates for having traveled a long journey until you all can reach this glorious point. Hopefully, what has been obtained can be applied in your lives, and you all can remain strongly rooted in the values of the UGM and FEB”. (Public Relations Wira/Documentation: MBA FEB UGM Team).




