

Graduation of CFP Batch X MM FEB UGM Yogyakarta

Certified Financial Planner (CFP) was one of Executive Development Programs regularly held by MM FEB UGM. The program in collaboration with the Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB) Indonesia had been successfully conducted for 10 batches.

Cultural Lunch of Executive B Batch 35 A Jakarta

Students of MM FEB UGM always have a very hectic agenda both academic and non-academic activities in the beginning of every semester. It applies to those who study in MM FEB UGM Jakarta as well.

Orientation of Batch 73 and Executive 32

Kicking off the new semester in August 2018, MM FEB UGM received new students for Batch Regular 73 and Executive 32. An orientation session was held in Sukadji Ranuwihardjo Auditorium to facilitate the new students […].

Career Week 2018 at MM FEB UGM

Career Network Center (CNC), an academic club organized by MM FEB UGM students under supervision of MM Student Association, held another Career Week on April 23 – May 9, 2018.

Postgraduate Students of Widyatama Visit MM FEB UGM

On August 3, 2018, MM FEB UGM hosted the visit from postgraduate students of Management study of Universitas Widyatama. The visit was aimed to gain further insight, reference, and sharing on thesis writing at MM […].

Anniversary Ceremony Of MM FEB UGM

The main agenda of celebrating the 30th Anniversary for MM FEB UGM was the Anniversary Ceremony. Opened by Golek Asmarandana traditional Javanese dance from staffs, students, and alumni of MM FEB UGM, the event was […].

Fun Day of MM FEB UGM Alumni

Organizing one of the event series in commemorating the 6th Lustrum of MM FEB UGM on Sunday July 1, 2018, hundreds of alumni, lecturers, staffs, and students of MMSA FEB UGM had Fun Day in […].