From the Director

Over the years, Master of Business Administration Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (MBA FEB UGM) has established itself as one of the best business schools and leading management education providers in Indonesia. This achievement is inseparable from the vision that leads to the future coupled with a strong commitment from the faculty and staffs in achieving the quality standards of management education. Quality has become our tradition based on the heritage and reputation of Universitas Gadjah Mada.

MBA FEB UGM also claims to be the “first mover” in creative and innovative thinking focusing on real business applications. This program provides a learning and development process tailored to business needs. MBA FEB UGM has the resources and capacity to add the value to educational solutions for businesses. The academics are well known and proven reliable in terms of research and teaching. MBA FEB UGM Program is an educational school that aims to open minds, inspire and provide knowledge, provide teaching methods that are combined with the best quality research, and provide business consulting in the fields of Marketing, Human Resource and Organizations, Finance, Strategic Management, Operations Management, and Entrepreneurship.

MBA FEB UGM offers comprehensive business master’s degree programs (MBA, M.Sc., M.Sc.BA, M.Mgt.) in collaboration with overseas partners and non-degree programs such as short training specifically designed for middle to top level management , applied research and management consulting. Various types of training are organized by our program in collaboration with business partners for Executive Development Programs that are tailored to the needs of the company, academic seminars, and business discussion forums.

Finally, MBA FEB UGM maintains relationships with alumni through constructive interactions to support sustainable learning activities and build the networks. The learning outcomes of our program are professional managers with strong knowledge, leadership, and willingness to prioritize ethics in all aspects. Those are manifestations of individual improvement in enriching the knowledge, changes in mindset, and direction of positive actions towards social and sustainable environmental aspects.

Prof. Amin Wibowo, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D.