Executive Series: Exclusive Meeting with Delta Purna Widyangga and Edmund Situmorang at MBA FEB UGM

Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (MBA FEB UGM), again held an Executive Series at the MBA FEB UGM Auditorium, Yogyakarta Campus on Friday, 27 October 2023. attended by Delta Purna Widyangga, CEO & Co-Founder Qiscus, and Edmund Situmorang, Head of Strategy & Transformation BUMI Resources, as a speaker and with in-depth discussions related to the topic discussed, namely “Unveiling the Business Strategies of Data-Driven Digital Transformation Using Big Data and AI.” The event was moderated by Jovita Angela, S.Si., M.Sc., and attended by Rocky Adiguna, Ph.D., Deputy Director of MBA FEB UGM Yogyakarta Campus.

This activity is part of the Leadership Enhancement and Acceleration Program (LEAP) MBA FEB UGM, which aims to gain exposure to players directly and those in control of large companies. The event opened with remarks from the chairman of the Executive Series Committee, Arya Raditya Damarjati, and statements from the Deputy Director of MBA FEB UGM, Rocky Adiguna, Ph.D.

“Technology is not only technological innovation but also value invention.” Said Rocky, representing the MBA FEB UGM Study Program. He also thanked the speakers who were willing to attend this activity organized by SA MBA students.

Edmund Situmorang explained how important it is for a company, especially an old company, to transform following technological developments, “Progress Always Wins; if you don’t develop, you will become a Dinosaur,” he said. Meanwhile, Delta Purna Widyangga explained how vital Big Data is in a company. Having Big Data and good information analysis is the key to the success of companies today.

At the end of today’s Executive Series agenda, offline and online participants had the opportunity to ask questions to the speaker. The students were very enthusiastic to ask their questions one by one. After the questions and answers session, the event ended with a group photo. (Public Relations: Danis; Documentation: Irfan)